Like every year Beltola College women Cell, Rengoni Beltola celebrates Children's Day. On this occasion all the members of the cell visit nearby Lower Primary School on 13th November 2021 at 12:00 noon and interacted with small children.
In Majhipara Lower Primary School, Rengoni- Beltola organised Children's Day celebration to remember our First Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. On this occasion President of the cell Jashmin Bahar lightened an earthen lamp and other members of the cell and teachers of the school pay tribute in front of Nehruji's portrait .A small speech also been delivered by Dr. Lina Deka, Secretary of Rengoni - Beltola and after that stationeries and chocolates are distributed among children. They become very happy and cheerful. In that occasion covid protocol also been maintained among students.